Moments with the Tree

In 2021, when we were all in the depths of the Pandemic, I sat beneath a tree and came to understand peace in the midst of chaos.

It felt like every moment in my life had led to this one. All the culminated fear, anger, and anxiety had hollowed out my heart and taken a physical toll on my body. I was worn out, without hope, and had lost my purpose. I couldn’t see peace for our planet…then or ever. Until the Tree called to me.

I am the Tree is a re-telling of a true event in my life, from the perspective of a child. I did climb that mountain. I did sit under that tree. And a bee really did whisper an important message (maybe the most important message of my life) in my ear.

I could have stayed under that Tree forever. I wanted to! But even more that, was the desire for everyone to share in the peace and hope I felt.

May you understand the message of the Bee,



Behind the Scenes